Welcome to Steve's Snaketuary

Welcome to Steve's Snaketuary

A Sanctuary for Snakes

Our mission at Steve's Snaketuary is to- 

Eliminate Fear through Education.

Bring Peace through Rescue.

We want to show off some of God's amazing and awesome creations. We want to show you how beautiful and how beneficial snakes can be.

We are here to help you get rid of your fear of snakes, by educating you on the importance of snakes and showing how fascinating and magnificent they can be.

We also offer safe removal, relocation, and rehoming of snakes.

So, while you are exploring our site, if you have any questions, have a problem with snakes at your home or business, or have a pet snake that you can no longer take care of, please feel free to contact us. We will gladly help you! We are also available to do educational presentations for schools, libraries, birthday parties, homeschool groups, etc. Please feel free to email us to set up an educational presentation.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made..." Romans 1:20 (NIV)

So why did we create a sanctuary for snakes?

Snakes are just one of God's many beautiful creations.

As long as I can remember, I've had a fascination with snakes. I used to always catch little Rough Earth Snakes when I was a kid. My parents hated me keeping those in a cage outside. I remember seeing my first Speckled King Snake when I flipped over a piece of board in a lot behind our house. Then I remember my dad killing one in our backyard that same summer. I kept the body of the one my dad killed in a jar for a few days. I was just mesmerized. Then, when my parents moved into their new house (sort of in the country), I saw my first Copperhead. It bit my dog on the nose, and of course my dad killed that one too. I also saw my first Rat Snake in the shed in the back of that house. Throughout all of those years, my interest and love for snakes continued to grow.

Several years after I got married, I bought my first "pet" snake, a baby Corn Snake. All of a sudden, it seemed like my enthusiasm exploded. Although my parents still didn't like the idea, my wife was very supportive, and now she and my kids love snakes too. Snakes are actually our best pets.

My hobby has now turned into a passion, and my pastime has turned into a pursuit. What was once a recreation has now become very relevant. Throughout the years, since our pet snake collection has grown, we have also seen how ruthless people can be toward snakes. Every summer, we constantly see dead snakes in the road and hear horror stories of people killing them in their homes and outside.

That's how Steve's Snaketuary was born. It's not just about our wonderful and beautiful collection of snakes. We have become a "sanctuary" for snakes. We are here to show you how beautiful a snake can be and also how helpful snakes can be.

We offer safe removal, relocation, and rehoming of snakes. And, we are here to help educate you on the importance of snakes. We are also available to do educational presentations for schools, libraries, birthday parties, homeschool groups, etc.

If you have any questions or want further information about snakes, please contact us. Also, if you or someone you know has an issue with snakes at home or a business, have a pet snake that you can no longer take care of, or would like to set up an educational presentation, please feel free to send us an email. We will gladly help you!

Steven is a Certified Master Herpetologist, a National Wildlife Control Operator, and also NWCOA Certified Reptile & Amphibian Level 1.

Steven is also an Advanced EMT, CPR/BLS Instructor, EMS Instructor, and has been in Emergency Medical Services since 2006. With his extensive medical background in first aid and emergency treatment of snakebites, he is well equipped and qualified to teach snake identification and first aid treatment classes for First Responders, Firefighters, EMT's, Paramedics, and Police Officers.

Steven also has his Restricted Snake Permits through Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries and through Caddo Parish Animal Control to be able to rescue and house venomous snakes and large constrictors.